******* w3m (WWW-wo-Miru) Version 0.5.3+git20230121 by A.ITO ********
***** Key assign table *****

Page/Cursor motion

SPC,C-vForward page
b,ESC vBackward page
l,C-fCursor right
h,C-bCursor left
j,C-nCursor down
k,C-pCursor up
JRoll up one line
KRoll down one line
^,C-aGo to the beginning of line
$,C-eGo to the end of line
wGo to next word
WGo to previous word
>Shift screen right
<Shift screen left
.Shift screen one column right
,Shift screen one column left
g,M-<Go to the first line
G,M->Go to the last line
ESC gGo to specified line
ZMove to the center line
zMove to the center column
TABMove to next hyperlink
C-u,ESC TABMove to previous hyperlink
[Go to the first link
]Go to the last link

Hyperlink operation

RETFollow hyperlink
a, ESC RETSave link to file
uPeek at link URL
iPeek at image URL
IView inline image
ESC ISave inline image to file
:Mark URL-like strings as links
ESC :Mark Message-ID-like strings as links
cPeek at current URL
=Display information about current document
C-gShow current line number
C-hView browser history
FRender frames
MBrowse current document using external browser (prefix 2, 3, ..., or 9 to invoke alternate configured browsers, e.g. 3 M)
ESC MBrowse link using external browser (prefixed as above, e.g. 3ESC M)

File/Stream operation

VView new file
@Execute shell command and load
#Execute shell command and browse

Buffer operation

BBack to the previous buffer
vView HTML source
sSelect buffer
EEdit buffer source
C-lRedraw screen
RReload buffer
SSave buffer
ESC sSave source
ESC eEdit buffer image

Buffer selection mode

k, C-pSelect previous buffer
j, C-nSelect next buffer
DDelete current buffer
RETGo to the selected buffer

Bookmark operation

ESC bLoad bookmark
ESC aAdd current to bookmark


/,C-sSearch forward
?,C-rSearch backward
nSearch next
NSearch previous
C-wToggle search wrap mode

Dictionary look-up

M-wExecute dictionary command (see README.dict)
M-WExecute dictionary command for word at cursor

Mark operation

C-SPCSet/unset mark
ESC pGo to previous mark
ESC nGo to next mark
"Mark by regular expression


!Execute shell command
HHelp (load this file)
oSet option
C-kShow cookie jar
qQuit (with confirmation, if you like)
QQuit without confirmation

Line-editing mode

C-fMove cursor forward
C-bMove cursor backward
C-hDelete previous character
C-dDelete current character
C-kKill everything after cursor
C-uKill everything before cursor
C-aMove to the top of line
C-eMove to the bottom of line
C-pFetch the previous string from the history list
C-nFetch the next string from the history list
TAB,SPCComplete filename