{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ config.APP_NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block init_script %} function parseConsoleArgs(args) { const retData = Array.from(args).map(arg => { try { if(arg.stack) return arg.stack; return JSON.stringify(arg); } catch (e) { return arg } }); return retData?.join(' '); } for (const method of ['log', 'error']) { const nativeMethod = window.console[method]; window.console[method] = function () { nativeMethod.apply(this, arguments); setTimeout(()=>{ window.electronUI?.log(`--------------[UI ${method}]--------------- ${parseConsoleArgs(arguments)} ------------[UI End]----------------`); }); } } try { require( ['sources/generated/app.bundle', 'sources/generated/browser_nodes'], function() { }, function() { /* TODO:: Show proper error dialog */ console.log(arguments); }); } catch (err) { /* Show proper error dialog */ console.log(err); } /* * Show loading spinner till every js module is loaded completely * Referenced url: * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15581563/requirejs-load-script-progress * Little bit tweaked as per need */ require.onResourceLoad = function (context, map, depMaps) { var loadingStatusEl = panel = document.getElementById('pg-spinner'); if (loadingStatusEl) { if (!context) { // we will call onResourceLoad(false) by ourselves when requirejs // is not loading anything d-none the indicator and exit setTimeout(function() { if (panel != null) { try{ $(panel).remove(); } catch(e){ panel.outerHTML = ""; delete panel; } return; } }, 500); } // show indicator when any module is loaded and // shedule requirejs status (loading/idle) check panel.style.display = ""; clearTimeout(panel.ttimer); panel.ttimer = setTimeout(function () { var context = require.s.contexts._; var inited = true; for (name in context.registry) { var m = context.registry[name]; if (m.inited !== true) { inited = false; break; } } // here the "inited" variable will be true, if requirejs is "idle", // false if "loading" if (inited) { // will fire if module loads in 400ms. TODO: reset this timer // for slow module loading require.onResourceLoad(false); } }, 400) } }; {% endblock %} {% block css_link %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{{ _('Loading {0} v{1}...').format(config.APP_NAME, config.APP_VERSION) }}
{% endblock %}