# vim: syntax=yaml
# This is the configuration syntax that the wireguard module
# will know how to understand. 
    # All wireguard interfaces that should be created. Every interface will be named
    # after `name` parameter and config will be written to a file under `config_path`.
    # `content` parameter should be set with a valid Wireguard configuration.
        - name: wg0
          config_path: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
          content: |
            PrivateKey = <private_key>
            Address = <address>
            PublicKey = <public_key>
            Endpoint = <endpoint_ip>:<endpoint_ip_port>
            AllowedIPs = <allowedip1>, <allowedip2>, ...
    # The idea behind readiness probes is to ensure Wireguard connectivity before continuing 
    # the cloud-init process. This could be useful if you need access to specific services like 
    # an internal APT Repository Server (e.g Landscape) to install/update packages.
        - 'systemctl restart service'
        - 'curl https://webhook.endpoint/example'
        - 'nc -zv apt-server-fqdn 443'