[!cgo] skip
[short] skip

cp x.go.txt x.go

# Only allow //go:cgo_ldflag .* in cgo-generated code
[gc] cp x_gc.go.txt x.go
[gc] ! go build x
[gc] stderr '//go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code'

# Ignore _* files
rm x.go
! go build .
stderr 'no Go files'
cp cgo_yy.go.txt _cgo_yy.go
! go build .
stderr 'no Go files' #_* files are ignored...

[gc] ! go build _cgo_yy.go # ... but if forced, the comment is rejected
# Actually, today there is a separate issue that _ files named
# on the command line are ignored. Once that is fixed,
# we want to see the cgo_ldflag error.
[gc] stderr '//go:cgo_ldflag only allowed in cgo-generated code|no Go files'

rm _cgo_yy.go

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so
cp x.go.txt x.go
cp y_fplugin.go.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so'

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS: -lbar -fplugin=foo.so
cp y_lbar_fplugin.go.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so'

# Reject #cgo pkg-config: -foo
cp y_pkgconfig_dash_foo.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid pkg-config package name: -foo'

# Reject #cgo pkg-config: @foo
cp y_pkgconfig_at_foo.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid pkg-config package name: @foo'

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS: @foo
cp y_cflags_at_foo.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: @foo'

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS: -D
cp y_cflags_dash_d.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D without argument'

# Note that -I @foo is allowed because we rewrite it into -I /path/to/src/@foo
# before the check is applied. There's no such rewrite for -D.

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS: -D @foo
cp y_cflags_dash_d_space_at_foo.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D @foo'

# Reject #cgo CFLAGS -D@foo
cp y_cflags_dash_d_at_foo.txt y.go
! go build x
stderr 'invalid flag in #cgo CFLAGS: -D@foo'

# Check for CFLAGS in commands
env CGO_CFLAGS=-D@foo
cp y_no_cflags.txt y.go
go build -n x
stderr '-D@foo'

-- go.mod --
module x

go 1.16
-- x_gc.go.txt --
package x

//go:cgo_ldflag "-fplugin=foo.so"

import "C"
-- cgo_yy.go.txt --
package x

//go:cgo_ldflag "-fplugin=foo.so"

import "C"
-- x.go.txt --
package x
-- y_fplugin.go.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: -fplugin=foo.so
import "C"
-- y_lbar_fplugin.go.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: -Ibar -fplugin=foo.so
import "C"
-- y_pkgconfig_dash_foo.txt --
package x
// #cgo pkg-config: -foo
import "C"
-- y_pkgconfig_at_foo.txt --
package x
// #cgo pkg-config: @foo
import "C"
-- y_cflags_at_foo.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: @foo
import "C"
-- y_cflags_dash_d.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: -D
import "C"
-- y_cflags_dash_d_space_at_foo.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: -D @foo
import "C"
-- y_cflags_dash_d_at_foo.txt --
package x
// #cgo CFLAGS: -D@foo
import "C"
-- y_no_cflags.txt --
package x
import "C"